If you are unfamiliar with the ultrasonic cleaning process, it is probably unlike the equipment you are used to using with standard tank cleaners and industrial washers. There are numerous benefits to these amazing industrial cleaners, but the main one we will focus on today is the benefits of ultrasonic filter tanks.
What is an Ultrasonic Filtration System?
For some cleaners, especially “standard” equipment and dishwashers, there are no filtration tanks. Equipment goes into the cleaning area, and the water is pushed around by jets. The problem with this is that clean water quickly becomes dirty as well as grease, particles, and contaminants continuing to be swirled around in the cleaning tank.
A major benefit of using ultrasonic industrial cleaners is that the machines have a filtration system that removes these particles and contaminants in the tank while it cleans the equipment. As the particles and residue are removed from the equipment, the filtration system removes them from the tank so they do not damage your equipment during the cleaning process. This is especially useful when cleaning equipment that involves debris, such as metal flakes.
In addition to having cleaner equipment, this cleaning process protects your equipment from excessive wear and tear often associated with the actual cleaning process. This filtering system also benefits the ultrasonic cleaning equipment itself, as no dangerous particles are moving around in the cleaning tank that can cause damage.
What is a Filter Cartridge?
For the filtration system to be effective, you must have a properly maintained filter cartridge. The cartridges are designed based on the openings where the liquid passes through in the ultrasonic cleaner.
In terms of actual filter cartridges, you can purchase either disposable or long-term use filters. This is where you must measure convenience over cost. For example, our disposable filters range in price from $15 to as much as $70. The lifespan of these will obviously depend on the frequency of use of the machine itself.
Our long-term use filters range in price from $35 to $150, with the benefit being that the filter can be removed, cleaned, and reinstalled. In the long run, this is a far more cost-effective solution, especially for those of you that will be using your ultrasonic industrial cleaner regularly.
How Do Ultrasonic Cleaning Tanks Work?
This cleaning process is not your typical industrial cleaner. What makes these industrial cleaners different is the ultrasonic waves that are created during the cleaning process. High-frequency sound waves are transmitted into the tank, which then creates small bubbles that implode. This creates a cavitation of the cleaning solution that enables the liquid to get into every crack and crevice of your equipment to ensure it is immaculately cleaned.
What Type of Filters Should I Use?
This is where our team of experts comes in. Depending upon the usage and type of cleaning equipment needed, our team of experts can suggest a standard machine or a customer build, the type of filters that will be the most effective and cost-efficient, as well as the best detergents for your specific usage. If you would like to learn more about Omegasonics cleaning equipment, click here. Or you can call us at 888-989-5560 for a free consultation with one of our experts.