Here are a few things to consider when buying an ultrasonic washer and none of it requires a degree in electronics engineering.
1. SIZE MATTERS – Pick the right tank size. Don’t buy a unit that is too small for you largest critical parts, or a unit that can’t handle the amount of parts (per load) you are putting into it.
If you think the unit you are buying is too small before you buy it, then it will definitely be too small once you start using it.
As a result, you won’t be able to see the great benefits of ultrasonic cleaning because you will put even more parts through then you ever imagined.
2. FREQUENCY – Make sure you have the best frequency for your application. For most applications, and by most I mean 95%+ in the world, 40 kHz is the frequency for you. Unless you have a rare specification calling out 25 kHz or are doing sub-micron cleaning of sensitive electronics requiring 68 kHz and above, then look no further than 40.
3. POWER – You need the right cleaning power for your application. Here is where it is best to discuss your application with a qualified ultrasonics company so you know what is required. Most equipment is outfitted with the correct ultrasonic power for the bulk of applications.
4. CHEMISTRY – Though most ultrasonic applications are cleaned in a water based solution, those solutions generally require some type of soap additive. Here again it is recommended to contact a qualified ultrasonics manufacturer to discuss your specific application and get the right chemistry. There are soaps designed to remove oils and then separate out in the bath. Some applications do better with a surfactant, but chemistry is a blog post of its own.
5. PROCESS – The process involves the dwell time of the ultrasonics, the bath temperature, the chemistry concentration. Best to get a “How to Do Process Sheet” from your favorite ultrasonic systems manufacturer.
Hopefully these tips have helped you, and as always if you’re in need of professional consultation, you can always contact us.