Are you thinking about investing in an ultrasonic cleaner for your business?
Using Ultrasonic Cleaning Technology for Food Plants
Even if you are familiar with ultrasonic cleaners like we are, you get surprised sometimes at the new and innovative uses companies can find for them. The food industry is one of those places you never really expect to hear about ultrasonic cleaners being used. It turns out that if you own a food processing […]
Higher frequency from an ultrasonic cleaner gives you more precision cleaning
Are you working with very small or fine parts that need to be cleaned? Are you still cleaning those parts by hand? Why not consider switching to an Omegasonics ultrasonic cleaning system? Not only will the time it takes to get your cleaning jobs done be dramatically reduced, but you can also increase the precision […]
Winter Bike Cleaning – How An Ultrasonic Cleaner Can Help
So you have decided that taking a ride on a brisk winter morning is a good idea. Just like you would not head out into the cold weather wearing your warm weather gear– shorts in temperatures below 30 degrees is not a good idea– you cannot maintain your bike the same way when you ride […]
3D Printing and BioTech: The Future Of Technology Is Small and Precise
In spite of the growing size of the cell phones in our pocket, the future of technology keeps getting smaller and smaller. While the size of the screens on our mobile devices keeps growing, the intricate electronics on the inside keep getting smaller and more powerful. The shrinking technology is a trend for many other […]
Four Steps To Quality Control with an Ultrasonic Cleaner
The goal of any manufacturing process is to get quality parts delivered on time. It is frustrating when your own internal quality control, or worse a customer’s quality control, rejects your parts and sends them back for a remanufacture. An ultrasonic cleaner can help you reduce the number of quality control rejects that you receive. Strenuous quality […]
Can an Ultrasonic Gun Cleaner Offer New Streams of Revenue?
An Ultrasonic Gun Cleaner is becoming the Preferred Method for Cleaning Firearms. Anyone who uses a firearm knows the importance of having a clean weapon. Many man hours are spent by law enforcement, security firms and military units cleaning and maintaining their guns. What if there was a better way? An ultrasonic gun cleaner is a […]
How an Ultrasonic Cleaner Can Put Money in Your Pocket
Still cleaning and degreasing your parts by hand? Farming out your ultrasonic cleaning to an external vendor? You may not have considered the benefits of owning an ultrasonic cleaner. Owning an Ultrasonic Cleaner is a Smart Investment. Omegasonics can not only save you time and money, but reduce labor costs and get your billing out […]
Is My Ultrasonic Cleaner Working Correctly?
There are several methods available to you which can test the day to day functions of your ultrasonic cleaner. You will want to keep in mind that temperature and solution concentration can have a huge effect on the operation of your unit. If you are going to use these methods, you must perform several tests […]
Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems – You Get What You Pay For
Everyone has heard the old saying, “You get what you pay for.” This adage has never gone out of style, and never stopped being true. This is especially the case when it comes to choosing between ultrasonic cleaning systems. If you skimp on cost when purchasing an ultrasonic cleaning system for your business, you may […]