Disaster Restoration and Contents Cleaning are now easier and more effective than ever!
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Using our ultrasonic cleaning technology, you can introduce the benefits of an assembly-line contents cleaning process to any disaster restoration job. The Restoration Pro® system offers processing speeds of up to 25 boxes of contents per hour and faster.
The Restoration Pro is a revolutionary assembly-line cleaning process that significantly increases the productivity and profitability of any contents restoration professional. Using precision ultrasonic technology, the Restoration pro System improves quality, reduces small content cash out and provides processing speeds of up to 25 boxes of content per hour and faster.
The Restoration Pro is a revolutionary assembly-line cleaning process that significantly increases the productivity and profitability of any contents restoration professional. Using precision ultrasonic technology, the Restoration pro System improves quality, reduces small content cash out and provides processing speeds of up to 25 boxes of content per hour and faster.

The Omegasonics Restoration PRO® can help turn your Disaster Restoration business into a well-oiled machine.
Using our ultrasonic cleaning technology, you can introduce the benefits of an assembly-line contents cleaning process to any disaster restoration job. The Restoration Pro® system offers processing speeds of up to 25 boxes of contents per hour and faster.
See a return on your investment in five to six months.
How much can you expect to make using the Restoration Pro® System? Download ROI »
Plus, you get to be the hero and save Grandma’s china.
The truly portable Restoration PRO® system helps you decrease cashed-out items. It effectively cleans even difficult pieces like china, delicate figurines, ceramics, mini-blinds, silver, brass, chandeliers, plastics and stuffed animals more effectively than contents cleaning by hand. It easily removes smoke residues, mold, water damage, heat scale, and rust.
View our list of Certified Disaster Restoration Professionals in your state.
Omegasonics is now the restoration industries leading manufacturer of ultrasonic cleaning systems. We are committed to the highest quality of products, exceptional integrity and customer service, and the finest after-sales support in the industry. See why Omegasonics is the #1 name in ultrasonic cleaning and why so many disaster restoration companies trust our ultrasonic equipment.