AUDIENCE: Fire and Water Damage Restoration Market
Simi Valley, CA – Omegasonics has announced their Ultrasonic Cleaner Manual for Fire Restoration Procedures specifically intended for the fire and water restoration industry. The manual contains everything covered in their full day, accredited IICRC continuing education course. With over 300 pages, it is an indispensable shop reference for performing restoration on the widest range of contents.
Increase profitability by 500% over hand cleaning – Learn how to implement the Omegasonics Assembly Line restoration cleaning process to improve general contents work flow from one (1) pack-out box per hour to as many as ten (10) pack-out boxes per hour. Restoration Manual teaches small contents restorators how to increase the number of restorable items including mold damaged and high value electronics.
Greater recovery, fewer discards – Restoration Procedures Manual has detailed instructions for cleaning virtually every type of damaged content. The Manual contains hundreds of Ultrasonic Procedure Sheets gleaned from years of experience. Each Procedure Sheet includes recommended step-by-step procedures, cleaning agents, bath temperatures, and process times for each specific content.
Train new employees – Procedures Manual can be used to train new employees or as a refresher course for those who are operating ultrasonic equipment but have not had formal training. The data is easy to follow. It contains everything an operator needs to know including cleaning agent dilutions.
For more information on Omega Fire Pro ultrasonic parts washing system – Call Omegasonics at 1.888.989.5560 or email your request to . Omegasonics designs and manufacturers a complete line of ultrasonic fire restoration cleaning systems, biodegradable cleaning agents, supplies and accessories. Additional information is available at
PHOTOS: A Photo of the Omegasonics Training Manual is available in color and black & white in digital formats. To request photos, call 1.888.989.5560 or Contact Us.
For more information, contact: Omegasonics, 330 E. Easy Street, Suite A, Simi Valley, CA 93065
Mr. Frank Pedeflous @ 888.989.5560